This statement is so good!, "biggest problem with developers is we try to Google our way out of our life problems."

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Yay! I’m so glad that landed the way I wanted

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Nice piece! I like that you are keeping it real, being super onest about your experience, including giving away the financials of your start in the freelancing business! The solution you offer is super useful as well. I’m not into tech freelancing, but I can see how I could build my coaching business similarly to your suggestions: I can start discussing with friends and acquintances about what they struggle with in their business and personal life and work out a plan to make it better. This way I can build some good experience and good testimonials that I can use later to advertise my services.

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Yes, that's the way. keep showcasing what you got until someone trusts you enough to sign a deal with you

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This is insightful. It really made me to understand that technical world and business (freelance) management is different. The analogy that was used to explain it, resonated with me (Software Engineer). And thanks for the easter egg at the end (`Who can be your customers` section).

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I'm glad the seperation of tech and business is sticking in. That's the intention. The easter egg is just the starting point. The next one is full of easter eggs.

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My journey has been all about finding the "True" self, can I combine my heart's desire to create with my souls desire to experience the world?

Mapping outside-in has a beauty + excruciating most days. Nevertheless worth every moment I dive deeper. Thanks for sharing your true voice :)

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Holy cow! You should totally write about that. I would love to see how you're navigating uncertainity right from the heart of the whale

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This was helpful Bhavani! The prompt got my mind buzzing with some ideas. And sharing your relatable struggle with the 'anxious' voice was a nice touch

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Hey! Glad it landed well. What thoughts were buzzing?

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I think main one is what kind of freelance service to offer. Maybe notion, maybe writing, maybe general 'helping with strategy/business operations'

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Yayyy! you're on the right track. Put them all out there and see what sticks

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